Potentially the dumbest man to ever live. Wet the bed until he was in his late 30's. Was kicked out of the late Queen Elizabeths funeral for licking between her toes, scored a negative 1.4 on his GPA, and if that wasn't enough, he's also responsible for the Great Depression, he also wrote this entire page.
Massive degenerate, surrounds himself with other degenerates.
Rough approximation of his Profile Picture:
List of Accomplishments:
Took a picture of a tree once.
Killed JFK on accident while trying to get a pebble out of his sandle, then blamed it on the guy next to him.
Fought a Brazillian man on an iceberg in Norway.
Invented Hawaiian Pizza, immediately regretted it
Mascot of Chuck E. Cheese.
Proud 7/11 employee
Invented the sugar sandwhich (ingredients, one slice of bread, one cup of sugar, fold in half and serve)